Metastasis or spread of cancer is inevitable if such type is malignant. This is fatal and dangerous, unlike those benign tumors which can be removed as a whole and simply remover again if it recurs.

There have been lots of treatment modalities used in the medical field already to treat cancer. Here we give you a list why omega-3 rich foods can stop cancer from spreading and a list of food where you can find this.
- For babies, you can find it in infant formulas, infant formula, and jars of baby food.
- For children and adult, it is found in vitamins, meal replacement bars, protein powders, supplements.
- Produce such as brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, cauliflower, and broccoli.
- Oils like canola oil, cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, mustard oil, soybean oil, walnut oil.
- Grains & Nuts including bread, cereal, flaxseed, flour, pasta, peanut butter, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, walnuts.
- Juices and dairy: fresh fruit juice, eggs, margarine, milk, soy milk, yogurt.
- Fish which is the top omega-3 rich food such as halibut, herring, mackerel, oysters, salmon, sardines, trout, fresh tuna.
Note: Anything in excess is bad for your health. But for these omega-3 rich foods, it is much better for treating diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, prostate cancer, lupus, hypertension, high cholesterol and Rectal (colorectal/bowel) cancer.
In a study, adequate omega-3 intake can keep you away from some types of cancer.
The researchers have shown its effects on prostate cancer. (Omega-3) fatty acids reduced prostate tumor growth, slowed (cancerous tissue) progression, and increased survival was observed for a couple of years.
Omega-3 are actually helpers but don’t pose any therapeutic claims. Try it and be natural!
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