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Are You Stricken With Colds Or Flu? Better Avoid THESE FOODS!

Even if you got a flu shot and diligently wash your hands 13 times a day, there’s no guarantee that you won’t fall victim to some awful bug this season. And if and when it does happen, the last thing you want to do is make your congestion, aches, and general crappiness even worse. So do yourself a favor and avoid these foods like the plague.

The food you eat can worsen the sickness!


Despite what you might have heard, milk, yogurt, and the like don’t actually cause your body to produce more nasty mucus. But in some people, dairy can make the mucus that’s already in your throat thicker and all around more unbearable. So if you notice the stuff seems to make you more phlegmy, consider cutting back or steering clear altogether. If it doesn’t bother you? It might be worth drinking (or eating) up. If you can tolerate dairy, it’s a good source of the protein and vitamin D that can help your body fight infection. Plus, yogurt has probiotics that can help balance out your gut bacteria.

Soda, juice, and other sugary stuff

It’s true that ginger ale might settle a queasy stomach, and OJ delivers a hefty dose of vitamin C. But they’re both loaded with sugar, which causes inflammation that can actually weaken your body’s infection-fighting white blood cells. Not surprisingly, the same goes for other sugar-laden foods like cookies, candy, kids’ cereal, and all that other yummy stuff you might feel justified eating on a sick day. Instead, stick to ginger tea for your stomach and stay hydrated with good ol’ H2O or sugar-free coconut water. And if you feel like snacking, try fruit or popcorn. In a few days when you’re not feeling like a snot-filled alien anymore, you’ll be so glad you did.


In case you were still clinging to the idea that it’s totally fine to hit the bar when you’re sick, let’s dispel that notion right now. Like sugar, alcohol causes inflammation that weakens your white blood cells, making it harder for your body to heal. Plus, knocking back a drink or two leaves you even more dehydrated than you already are, which can raise your blood alcohol content and cause you to get drunker faster. So unless you want to wake up tomorrow with a fever and a hangover, skip happy hour if you’re not feeling 100{f5ab09af0c377f83da9f41074cd0fd2b75e5f4f09b397729aa1a8dba58295e03}.

Refined carbs

Toast and crackers might be classic sick-day foods. But aside from serving as a cozy reminder of mom bringing that tray up to your room whenever you rang a little bell, they aren’t doing you any favors. Refined carbohydrates are quickly broken down into sugar and will cause a rise in blood sugar similar to juice, soda, or high-sugar foods. So they can hinder infection-fighting in the same way. If you really want to do the buttered toast thing, make sure that bread is 100{f5ab09af0c377f83da9f41074cd0fd2b75e5f4f09b397729aa1a8dba58295e03} whole wheat.

Source: Eat Clean

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