We are all slightly addicted to the sweet taste of sugar, but experts warn us that sugar is actually a poison, and we are not even aware of the amoun…
Preventing cancer is something that almost everyone has thought about. This deadly disease affects millions of people every year. It is likely that y…
Lechon Paksiw is a sweet and tangy Filipino dish made from leftover lechon or roasted pig. Lechon is a Spanish influence introduced to Filipinos duri…
According to scientific reports, the juice from this tropical fruit has efficient effect and relieves cough, eliminates mucus and even relieves the s…
Sea salt contains more than 80 ingredients with positive effect on your health, skin and hair. If you are still unfamiliar with its health benefits, …
This drink will help you burn calories, and it provides enough vitamins and minerals for your body. Parsley improves digestion and stimulates the dis…
If you ever hear the someone mentioning ciprofloxacin , gemifloxacin , levofloxacin , moxifloxacin , norfloxacin and ofloxacin , you better not reac…
The eyes may be a mirror of the soul, but your nails are a mirror of your health. If you have any of these symptoms, be sure to consult a dermatologi…
Hormone balance is crucial for the reproductive health. Even though a lot of factors can help you become a parent, always take care of your healthy l…
When summer comes, the temperature easily reaches its highest point. There is almost no family that did not afford to buy an air conditioner for the …
There is nothing quite like having a cough that just will not go away. Chances are during those dreaded winter months you have developed a cold that …
Bistek is a savory Filipino dish usually with beef, soy sauce, citrus, pepper, and onion. You can veganize it by using portobello mushrooms, tofu, an…
If you once decided to get a tattoo (or more than one), you most probably thought more about its artistic and social value, than the health problems …
Researchers from the Macquarie University in Sydney , Australia discovered that long-term consumption of carbonated drinks can cause hyperactivity a…
Several antibiotics have emerged in the market over the past several years. Ciprofloxacin, gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, and norfloxaci…
The next time someone at your office lets out a “silent but deadly” emission, maybe you should thank them. A new study at the University of Exeter i…
Having a sore throat? Try this effective homemade remedy for sore throat instead of taking antibiotics and pills. Ingredients: lemons 1-inch pi…
Good news for chili chompers: Regularly chowing down on spicy foods is associated with a lower risk of death, especially if you stay away from booze.…
Foods, therapies, creepy crawlers, germs, and other things that may leave you a little nauseated: We’ve compiled a list of disturbing and gross thing…
Eating nuts can lower the risk of developing some tumors, according to a new study. After analyzing data from 36 observational studies, which invol…
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