If you enjoy the taste of tomato juice, you will really be pleased with this study. Taiwanese scientists have conducted research in order to discove…
Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties for THOUSANDS of years by people all over the world! It can be up to 100 times as effective at trea…
We all know that our bodies are built in the kitchen and any health coach or personal trainer worth his/her salt will tell you that. With this in min…
If you are like most people you have some extra weight around your middle that you would like to lose. Additionally, if you are like most people you …
Along with the high temperatures, the amount of sweat that our body releases during the day increases, and this can often cause body odor. But, there…
If you are that “lucky” to get a migraine, you probably know how bad and frustrating it feels. What’s even worse, is that migraine is hard to vanquis…
For most of us, a cold shower only happens when we’re last in line for the bathroom or our S.O. “accidentally” flushes while we’re in there. But it t…
The garlic is a fantastic food with very useful features! This vegetable contains antibacterial properties, cures many diseases, various colds, ath…
Certain new research suggests that a nap of roughly one hour, when taken around noon, can decrease blood pressure and help to prevent a heart attack.…
Surprisingly, it turns out that ginger is not suitable for all people. Although many health experts and nutritionists advise including ginger in your…
Keeping certain products in your refrigerator can’t harm you or your health, but the low temperatures can affect the taste and the texture of the ing…
Get rid of toxins off your mattress as it is full with harmful substances. These toxins are proven to damage the nervous and immune system, soft tis…
According to a new study, taking antibiotics on a regular basis could increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Danish researchers investi…
Besides nutritional value, studies reveal that banana is very effective with health conditions and is more efficient than several drugs in the market…
It is known that soft drinks and alcohol do not go at all with a flat stomach. They are one of the main reasons for fat building around your waist. H…
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